Become a Contributor

Joining the contributor community allows you to make a positive impact worldwide, while being actively part of a dynamic and innovative product that continues to evolve and grow, all while being rewarded with passive income in the long-term. Sounds fun?

How Our Model Works

Our contribution model is transparent as we want everyone to know exactly what to expect before applying, and know where the funds for each sale goes. There's nothing to hide here - it's all outlined below in the percentage splits:

If our model resonates and you want to contribute to an exciting product that impacts people all over the world, we invite you to apply to become a contributor below:

Contributor Roles

Human Design Experts

We are looking for top-notch, skilled and experienced Human Design experts who have at least 5+ years of studying and living their design (at minimum). You'll be creating text for new Instant Readings that give insights into various aspects of the Human Design system.


We need translators fluent in English and another language who can translate English into their other fluent language. Each language will only ever have one translator, so this is a role which requires not only translating the affirmations, but also the website, emails, and other brand content. You will get an overall percentage for all sales made using the translations you make. Currently, we are looking for French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and any other language you may be fluent in.

Male Voice Talent

We need male voice talents who can record professional audio and have their own professional microphone to use. You'll need to be into Human Design, and understand that it's not just about recording the audio, but infusing the sound of your voice with intention, energy, and love.

Female Voice Talent

We need female voice talents who can record professional audio and have their own professional microphone to use. You'll need to be into Human Design, and understand that it's not just about recording the audio, but infusing the sound of your voice with intention, energy, and love.

Audio Editors

We need several audio editors who have at least a basic understanding of audio editing, ideally someone who has background in editing audio. Knowing how to master audio is a definite plus and will give you priority over other applicants.